Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lethal Forbidden Fruit...

"The term "forbidden fruit" is a metaphor that describes any object of desire whose appeal is a direct result of the knowledge that it cannot or should not be obtained or something that someone may want but is forbidden to have. "

Human attraction to the forbidden fruit has started, OK, started is not the right word, as attraction to forbidden fruit is in the life and blood of man.Yeah, so they say, forbidden fruit came into action, with the Adam and Eve story.That's how we know about the origin and recorded history of this ultra delicious fruit.

Even though they depicted the fruit as a fruit in that story, all of us know that, the fruit is not limited to a shape/ a size/ a region/ a language/a sex/ a color/ a race/ a time/ living or non-living or..whatever more! So, we gather that the forbidden fruit is simply ageless and is not bound by a physical realm.

What really makes the forbidden fruit so very fascinating is the very fact of uncertainty. You just cant be sure that you will get it ,rather posses it. It might be someone else's or something that you are quite certain that you cant achieve either! So, what do u end up doing? U end up imagining how will it be if YOU actually get the forbidden fruit! You fantasize basically. Those bits of fantasies just make you crave for it all the more. One example of my forbidden fruit is a home by the beach. Nothing big or luxurious.Nevertheless, a place by the sea. And, maybe you would just say, what's the big deal! Make that money and get that house done/buy it. But, yeah, both you and I know, its something which will not really happen, unless I have the big bucks. You know, it might happen when its a couples of houses that I own.But, what after that? After getting that home done, its no more a "F.F". The home that I planned is a reality, and wouldn't be my sole passion. Then I find another "F.F".

Similarly so many of us have such F.F's. This whole idea of forbidden fruit was introduced into topic of convo by Sandyp.When we were talking, he ends up saying its women who basically lust after forbidden fruits.WHICH I COMPLETELY DISAGREE. Its not something to stick to gender, for that matter human at all! The cat tries to drink milk from the vessel in the kitchen, owner finds cat in action. and PHATTAAAKK! That's what happens when u are behind one! Either you are forced to face the reality that NO way, your going to have it, or just dream about it and come to that state wherein you know, NOPE its not meant for me or third case, the best of them all. Dream about them,and be happy to get them at the dreams!

P.S:No,not Harley-Davidson , nor that house by the beach, nor my Tea shop at Himalayas, nor Banderas/Clooney either, nor my tattoo!

1 comment:

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