Monday, May 18, 2009


Leopold.....They dont make them like him any more..Sigh!Sigh!Sigh!!! :( For the poor uninformed miserable beings who dont know about Leopold, a small "about him". :D

Leopold, the male lead in the movie 'Kate and Leopold'.He's a duke from the 19th century who lands up in modern day NewYork(why couldn't it have been Kodihalli??!! ).Kudos to Hollywood!They have crafted the best male ever !Perfect charmer!Perfect gentleman!!Perfect looks!!
Seriously, which man actually stands up when a lady leaves the table? huh!!?? huh??!!!! And, someone who knows when to apologize and how to do it with flair!! :)An actual handwritten note of apology..the best in the history of mankind!
He's always dressed immaculately-no jeans about to fall off his rear!! :PAnd i'm not talking about just formals..he looked like a million bucks in casuals too!!:) im talking about james bond debonair here..
Did i tell you he dances well too??ok,he doesn't just dance, he floooaaats........... ;)
This Kate female has to work hard all day,so when she falls asleep in the balcony at night-GUESS WHO carries her tenderly to her bed and tucks her in??Aaaannnddd SOMEBODY actually gets up in the morning and makes breakfast for her too....a yummy breakfast! :)
O and the way he speaks!!He talks like a perfect English aristocrat -no"gurrl"/"dooode" and other fake Americanisms in his vocabulary.PLUSSS he can ride a horse like a knight- he was trained in the Kings academy and he can scare scoundrels and robbers who steal my purse!!! urrmm...Kate's purse.
He oozes sincerity out of every pore in his body.He walks with an invisible crown on his head.Most importantly,He knows how to sweep a girl off her feet!I could go on and on and on...and on.Like I said before-SIGH! haaaaa...:)Thankoo hollywood!

Oookay why is it only in movies???

Now, why I am talking about this movie and him in particular is because of the extent of impression his signature left behind.I was going thro' a clumsy monday bench morning. Planned on a visit to office to know about the updates, but well, i really didnt need to go there to know the truth. There would'nt be anything! But well, we decided to leave late, possibly even squeeze a short nap before leaving, and then.... it happened!!!"Coming up next-Kate and Leopold" and i went AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!Thats it! I dont care if the office burns down,i am watching this!!But well, i had to go to office and...i was in a go or not to go??Thats when it struck me.RRRRUUUNNN!!!Tulasi and I did the fastest getting-ready-to-work session.A national record.I was even prepared to take the local BMTC for Leopold! We got a super quick glimpse of the person we are supposed to meet and caught the very next bus, but alas! we missed the first half an hour..aaah..its okie. They showed the repeat the next day,and needless to say,I didnt miss the first half or the rest half this time. (wink! wink!)

Leopolds's worth a research.

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