Thursday, December 31, 2009


I have such a long title for this post of mine.I suppose its going to make up for my absence for like an years time.I MISSED THIS PLACE! missed this place more than anything.Now it was not 100,000 miles away from me or anything, but it was 100,000 miles away from me in terms of writing .I would keep getting these random shots of lines, which makes me long for this hub .You know,like being crazy about something, I was going crazy about writing.Just one difference was I have not written anything in terms of hard copy, I kept writing and writing and writing in my mind.I have lines that pop up for every thing i kept looking at.And, I felt so great about it.It would just cross and there comes another one.I've been having the time of life,right balance of it all!Weddings , funeral, birthdays, concerts, eating, roaming, fun, family, work, tension, illness, fights and basically all of it through the course of 2009.Suppose I'd even want to give my "BEST YEAR AWARD" too.It was warm and generous and nothing but "giving" in nature. I loved it!

I love Bangalore;and like what Tulu formulated it seriously is "King of good times!".Now, if you'd ask me if i like the pretentious-wannabe type of things that happen, no, i do not.But, i love the fact that there r no rules meant to be followed in the place.I get no weird stares,infact, i get to give them in plenty!And there r just places to go-go and still go!You have 2 friends,who would love going crazy ,then Bangalore gets to be Eden of bliss!Friends who love speaking about kings and cabbages,rocks to rubies,whine about work, about good and terrible movies and books, about gaining weight and losing weight, about the newest trend out in commercial, about the shocking "she-just-got-engaged-wth-howcudthathappen", or else, just sit in a park and contemplate nature. Is it not wonderful.I need to have to be seriously blessed for it all.And this is where i wanna send across my love to Tulu and Navs.I wouldnt have had one share of it all without the two of u!

Right,so the next thing in line.Weddings.Weddings and India are like married to one another.Weddings are-in through out the year.And its something which never does cease to be the hot-topic.There is always a poor guy/girl who keeps getting shot by the arrow.If there is nothing to do now,oh!lets just divert for a while,talking about nothing to do; here,you just cant be doing nothing.You need to be always/forever/until eternity doing something.And, that something is defined by, those who see it.You should not simply sit and watch/read/listen/walk/write/eat/drink aimlessly.Unless, you are watching something which will enlighten the Einstein in you,unless you are reading something which will increase your memory skills,unless you are writing something which will be another drop in the literary sense,unless you are walking for, lets say, for shedding something which came in excess baggage,unless you are eating as per a special menu which will help in the previous clause,unless you are drinking for promoting "white revolution".So it all needs to be formulated.Thought about in advance,planned out well for the coming years.Its more or less like dreaming about the perfect tomorrow,when today is in a marathon.So, yeah, lets get back to weddings.Like I said before,weddings are the most happening things around here.I had one grand wedding to attend.I mean, i dont think i should be saying "attend" when it was own brother's wedding, nor can i use the word "conduct", so imagine a word which comes in between the two.We shopped and shopped and shopped.And few things flopped.First it was clothes,jazzy ones and the next in line was tacky jewelery,and next in line was tackier shoes, and next in line was cosmetics, and last in line was money.The thousands spent for the hours of show-business.Everyone wants to be at their best.Look like prettiest of the lot.Nothing to blame.Thats how things work. So, it was one-big-Indian-wedding.Gifts were pouring in and out.And yeah,as such, fun.Fun with the fights and dressing up!
Now for my next thing,food.It was one year wherein my food-aholism saw all strata.It started with normal,to core diets, to food-aholic,and lastly to the normal.Happy realization darlin!Btw, I dont think i ever mentioned my love for Dosa Darling! I actually sang "Tujme Rab Dikhta Hai Yaara Mai Kya Karoon"There is just one place which Im so very reminded of at this time.Its this hotel in Bangalore,Dal Tadka.Its a place which fills in the northy palates! Tulu and I actually travelled about 20 kms to get there, just for the same cause.Worth it anyway.So a toast and love to fooood
Work.Work.Work.Work.It's been all but that word.I hardly had any work to do all through last year.Even in the project i got in,I was terrified of intially, but later got to know, its all to do with ctrl+c and ctrl+v and google.Wonder what was life like before google happened to mankind!And also,terrified of thinking what will happen to mankind in its absence!(GOD FORBID!)
Now the next,sister and home.Suja my darlin!She and I were supposed to have been twins, but it was God who wanted to be nice to the parents to be :P and hence we didnt get to be twins.Nevertheless,he blessed us in the same family!Seriously,am just so filled with joy to know she is around,the kinda person who just loves having fun and laughter 24/7.Its absolutely rare to have siblings of a kind.Like in a movie,3 brothers keep talking to each other and they ask,"would we even talk to each other if we were not siblings??"Its but rare to get siblings like that. But yeah,here,i'd say,man aint i lucky ;) So here's a toast and love to Sujkins!
Home sweet home :) Its those comfortable corners and beautiful bed sheets and mom and dad and of course with mom comes mom's expertise in the obvious!But coming to the reality, its the warmth and security and loev which binds and which make houses homes.And im one helluva home-aholic.So,here's a toast and all my love to amma and appa!

IIITTTTSSSSS showtime!Movies movies and more movie "bringgem on!".I belong to the genre called movie buff.Can go to 4-5 movies a day.Just that, i still havent developed the taste for action, other wise, just has to be a movie!Ok, minus corny karan genre.Movies are what make me feel "go do it gurl!!".Ok, im not referring to acting here, am talking about things the leads do in those movies!They end up getting money to go half way across the world by just being a maid/book-store owner/journalist/kid in the block/dancer/chef!Why is it only in movies???

There was more that i wanted to say.More random ramblings,but well,yeah, I have drifted far from what i wanted.More so ever,i forced into writing towards the end!

Thus endeth,but end is only till the next post!!

1 comment:

Deepa, Rakesh & Rishi said...

I'd call this a stream of your conscious thought...which lets say is maybe roaring at warp speed rather than really streaming :-) Nice!

BTW...when you begin your next streaming session could we use larger font??? :-) ttyl