Saturday, August 30, 2008

Marudamalai pictures...

The others....


This post is mainly pictures... This is a temple in a place called Marudamalai, outskirts of Coimbatore. Hmm...I like it for a fact that its way up in a mountain...and for the number of childhood memories i have relating to it. My cousins and i going in the bus from the foot of the mountain....we would pray....i wonder what did praying mean to me then. I mean, what can a child possibly pray? toys> chocolate? ah! i dont know! anyway, with that was tender coconuts that we feasted on next!
I remember throwing one down because my brother tried drinking from mine or something! This is always quoted to say wat a ferocious child i had been (or still am :) ). I keep thinking, the same stones, the same mountain, the same practically everything, it's seen me as a child...and growing up to this age! Its seen my grandad taking us all. And all those memories came down pouring today, and just like then... I dont know what did i pray...or if I prayed at all!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Lets talk about dreams today. Off late, i haven't been having dreams that i actually remember, u know, something like a melodrama/a drama/ soap episode. Sigh! I like dreams of that kind, wherein something mysterious/funny/totally romantic happens!! It feels like I'm in the world that i built for myself.( apparently, i can never describe it, sub consciously my dream place is the way i want it to be). The one great thing about having a dream just before i wake up is that i almost remember everything that happened. Even the minuscule details! And, the thing i dislike is that i forget all about it too soon. Funny one though, i had a dream recently that John Abraham came home and he was asking for MY phone number. The very idea sounded brilliant!Why would it not?The person at receiving end was me, and it felt like a royal treat or something!

Apparently that what i like about dreams, it can simply be ANYTHING! I can have my boy-friend as John Abraham, I can go sit in my school rooms and be with my friends, I can go to the Alps for free! So what is that makes us dream? Am not curious to know about it as how scientists may put it, but to know HOW does brain manage to make time to weave those stories up! My mom tells me that she doesn't dream at all!!!! I cannot fathom that situation. I've got so accustomed to dreaming that a dream can make it even in the 5 minutes of nap!! Yup...that's my situation. A dream that i have quite often is my death. I think i have died at least 3/4 times. Each time i die differently though. Something peculiar that i noticed on those mornings i saw the dreams were i could FEEL the pain in my chest. I could feel I was letting go of something. I was leaving something or someone i didn't want to. I was not giving time to say the final adieu. But from the interpretations of dreams, seeing death is a good omen!!! ( its at my risk). Apparently like lot of interpretations about lot of things, this might have happened for the guy who claimed it!

Yet another frequent dream is a wedding dream! Its someone's wedding and i dont like the whole concept, and am trying to yell out and stop and am not able to! And another one is me not finishing my exam, as in i get to roam around wherever i want to during the exam but well i have to submit the papers on time. Obviously i lose time and i get freaked that i have so much to write and just about half and hours time to submit!!! I have been seeing this right from my 10th grade!! This particular one is so worse and so totally adamant that i simply will not wash its hands off me that i saw it 2 days after my college got over!!! :O

I love i said... i travel in the world i have created!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Pursuit of Happiness.....

I watched this movie last night, and needless to say, yet another movie has entered my favorites. There r a couple of lines that i fell in love with...and one of it is this/close to this... "its always the 'pursuit' of happiness is never meant to be attained forever". I dont think anything can be more perfect than that. And like every philosophical guy tells....happiness is just the occasional up's in a life of downs. But well, EVERYBODY lives just for the occasional up's in life. And, on a personal note....i love the risks to get few moments that UP. More interesting is the fact that, even the thought of them brings a me a smile, makes me happy again.......
I dedicate this to my "pursuit of happiness" those few moments that i can recollect in my life which still makes me feel happy!

One of the earliest.....when i traveled on air for the first time.
The days i spent playing a game at the terrace of my home, to think of it, i wonder why did it give me so much glee..but its a thing that i still love remembering.
The day our class made it first for the environmental day competition. Our class surpassed the so-called expectations of every teacher and we outdid the much claimed smart students in another class.
The 12th grade camp day at school and the disco that happened for the first time! We had disco lights and HUGE speakers and Neethu, Ashma, Rani, Shaheen, Shaima and I went crazy dancing.
The last school picnic.
My 18th birthday. With my friends in college and coincidentally there was a chaat corner opened for some occasion by the MBA's and lucky for my friends they looted me.
The day my brother came to India to meet all of us after 4 yrs, and he never told me he's making a trip and just turned up in my college. Now, that is truly a day when i laughed and cried together hugging him. That was one of the days i realized how much i actually miss him.
The day my school friends and i met up in Riyadh after a year and a half's time.
Looking through the window of Saudi airlines till Riyadh disappeared from my view.
The day i read " A walk to remember". That book has a record of me finishing in three and half hours. That book is one that i can rightfully claim un-put-down'able and made a difference in a unknowing funny way.
The day I enjoyed the rains in the streets of kalpathy. (p.s. i have a detailed expl on an earlier post.)
The time I spoke to a friend till 2 in the morning and still didn't feel sleepy because of the number of fairies and magical butterflies all around.
The few times I cried watching Life is beautiful, A walk to remember, The pursuit of happyness, Forrest Gump, Tare zameen par.
The few times i fell in love watching 2 weird and wacky movies... Elizabethtown and The address.
The 2am bike ride my cousin took me. I felt like I ruled the road!
The second last day at college, where all of us went to the swimming pool and yes! enjoyed THAT moment!
The day i got my first job. I trembled with happiness.
The day of final review. When our circuit worked for the first ever time! I cried. I still think it was a miracle that happened that afternoon.
Finally.....TODAY! when my dentist told me in a months time those braces are going to be off! a treat for the good news he gave me, i found the book that i have been searching never found for the past 3 years! its called... Ancient Promises. Yes! yet another day in my "pursuit of happiness"
I know...its a meager list, and its my memory that fails not happiness!