Saturday, December 15, 2007

Just another job??

Right from the beginning of engineering,one thing that i have been hearing is "PLACEMENTS".
Anything wild or wrong happens,the next warning is threatening about placements.Placements that,Placements this.Finally,by the end of third year,it really got into our head.Training for writing the tests was for an year!!And wrote like,5 tests for those tests.Anyway,it was not the training that helped.It was just the fever of "WHAT IF AM NOT PLACED" syndrome.So,we did some work just before 4 days of the placement season.Read through formula's,busy looking at 500 or something "high frequency" words.
Finally it was DE DAY.At like 9 in the morning all of us had to attend the ppt.And well i hate to admit it,we were writing things from the ppt like "agyakaari batcha's".Wrote the number of branches TCS has all over the world,the products,the projects,the services,the what not!!!I still have that book wherein i wrote all these things,and trust me i feel so funny that i'd actually done all that!!!Then we were informed that the test is at 1:00 and that the test would be for 90 minutes.
Everything was fast.The test was good,the vocabulary was ok.All the while,i dreaded to see the result.And,since this was an online test,i'd get my result like the GRE score!!!!it was either "CONGRATS" or..."SORRY". It was so freaking!anyway,right after the 90 minutes,the result would come,and well,I was lucky.I got "CONGRATS".
Had to proceed with the interview.Well,it was scary,rumors flying around,"lot of C/C++ questions even if ur non-IT","rejection panel"....wat not!!We were waiting in the guesthouse for what seemd like eternity to me.Waited from 4pm to 7:45 pm.
And,finally a short man came outside the room and called out my name.It was a frozen moment.I went blank.I think I even forgot my name.Anyway,my reaction time wasnt that bad,i went inside the room.2 people in the panel.The guy kept asking me lot of questions.He asked about my schooling,my parents,my objectives,my long term ambition,some technical questions.And finally he asked "If selected for Tcs,where do u see yourself in 5 years".
OOOKKKAAYY!!!I was not one bit prepared for it.Number one,i didnt even see myself in Tcs 5 years ahead!!I was here,attending the interview just for the heck of it.I wasnt even sure if i would join.I looked at him like i was calculating my success rate,and i finally blurted,"I would like to be a team leader". And,frankly,i have no idea what other posts exist!I never did my homework.I dont know what else happens in all these places.So,the obvious answer.But,this guy was cleaver,he questioned me back "why do u think everyone wants to be a team leader and if everyone wants to be a leader where are the other posts??"....This was a sure googly!!what do i say next.Anyway,my instant response was the shot.I told him "Everyone might want to be a leader,but being good at it is the thing.Leader has more work than what someone can think,he needs to manage,lead,co-ordinate and do his work,so i think its very challenging"

He looked at me like i rendered an inspirational speech!! and i felt like i just recited a paragraph from a management text book.I felt like an idiot to have had said that.Did i have an option?NO.I had to fill in some answer.Anyway,the interview was done with.I was satisfied.And the rest,i left to my stars!
I was nervous again when the results were to be announced,which delayed for another 5 hours!!!We had to wait from 4pm to 9 pm to know the results!!!Got irritated,scared,stupid...everything!!We all decided to get out of the hall,a walk perhaps.Well the Gods above saw our heated up condition and out of nowhere it started to rain.And rain heavily! got partially drenched.But,happy.And right when we got back to the hall,the Tcs guys were ready with the results.All my friends and i got through.
But something that did happen was,right when the guy called out my name.I was uncertain.It was a frozen moment.I couldnt hear anything much after that.I was over joyed.I was feeling so weird.I just got my first job!!It was something new!I was trembling.I didnt know what happened.Called up my mom,called my brother.And when we got out of the hall.It was something.Went around screaming and with the rain.It was party!
Maybe the job is nothing great.Maybe i cheered on for something that i might cry much later.But yes,i loved that day!Like "Every dog has a day".....that day was mine!


The Maverick Blog said...

Excellent narraion...

kunjal said...

beautiful description and superb blog entry, amazing and encouraging,

i was planning to start blogging since 9th feb and yet not started.

well i suppose today it will be the start..!!

A Random Traveler said...

Just two lines..

Refuse being the goat

Be the Shepherd.
