Saturday, September 29, 2007

another review.......

"Rarely do we realize that we are in the midst of the extraordinary. Miracles
occur all around us, signs from God show us the way, angels plead
to be heard, but we pay little attention to them because we have
been taught that we must follow certain formulas and rules if we
want to find God. We do not recognize that God is wherever we
allow Him/Her to enter. At some point, we have each
said through our tears, "I'm suffering for a love that's not worth it."
We suffer because we feel we are giving more than we receive. We
suffer because our love is going unrecognized. We suffer because
we are unable to impose our own rules. One doesn't love in order to do what is good or to help or to protect someone. If we act that way, we perceive the other as a simple object, and we are seeing ourselves as wise and
generous persons. This has nothing to do with love. To love is
to be in communion with the other and discover in that other the
spark of God."

This is from a book that i just finished reading..."By river Piedra,i sat down and wept"....and Paulo Coelho....the book pretty much doesn't make sense in the form of a story...but it is brilliantly written....or possibly am blinded by his charm!!!

But...there's a line that i loved reading...."If i am to forget him...i will do it....If I am to wait for him...i will do it....but not knowing which of it, is making me suffer..." The "him" that can transform to mortal or material.....It speaks of how much we attach to anything..anything that raises the inner conflict.

We hope and pray for things so uncertain.we pray for materials..for miracles to transform our life....we pray for happiness...when we don't look for venues.We don't look for love.

Today....i was a witness to a scene between a mother and son.....mother..hurrying to the office..and on her way she "drops" in the temple....the child is cranky for some reason and he nags her....she gets frustrated by that attitude of her son and gives him a look that conveyed the message that if he continued in his action...the "re-action" is bound to be severe......Thats when i thought....many a times in a day...we come across things that obstruct our way...maybe in the form of humans...or maybe something else...but in that case who do v blame?? We curse the moment....we curse the fact that we happened to be there then...the "IF ONLY" term keeps recurring in our mind.....

All the we curse God??? Do we get angry?? Can we refrain ourself from asking more "favors"??? We dont...infact we cant...We cant allow that feel of letting go of Someone or Some Force arround us...we simply cant ignore it... .....

We cant love anyone unconditionally as is spoken of.Ultimately we are all made to be selfish.... "I"..."ME"...."MINE"......things that we are so possessive about.Anything and everything has conditions.Everything has an angle of reference.Nothing can be accepted the way they were made.....things need to change for our convenience..."things" can be mortals....and as always blinded by the "love" for the beloved we are willing to change.We are ready to accept their convictions.(though they collide terribly).And with a small mistake...a small clash of ego...when things cant go on....u fret.Fret of something that was never real...that was never yours.

This book has a beautiful he compares Love to a well..

"That well brought many people here with hopes,dreams and conflicts.Someone dared to look for water,water was found,and people gathered where it flowed.I think thats when we look for love,it reveals itself,and we wind up attracting even more love.

It says that a city can be moved but not a well.Its around the well that lovers find each other,satisfy their thirst,build their homes and raise their children.But if one of them decides to leave,the well cannot go with them.Love remains there,abandoned-even though it is filled with the same pure water as before"....

( I know that its incomplete......maybe it'll have a sequel....)


Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

the words are haunting.. I always found his "Veronica decides to die" more brilliant..

A Random Traveler said...

Quite intense analogy with a well.I could simulate a very exact description of this with my past. It is splendid.

But, the above paragraph as it says, we suffer because we feel that we gave more than we recieved. Wierd. Finally even Love becomes like a business..

Capitalism has to be culled in all forms!

Unconditional..What does that word even mean..