Monday, July 2, 2007

Wat we might want to do.......

Well...i had planned to write something so totally different to what i am going to. This post is totally because of a web page that i just read...its a census report by the UNICEF regarding the abuse on children. It was quiet a interesting report.Not that i was not aware of what was told....which includes children who r trafficked for the obvious,children who were simply abused both mentally and physically,children who were victims of war(both for fighting in the army and suffering the war consequences).
So.....that was it. Well come to think of it.....when did this trafficking and abusing and hurting start.Its no mafia of "under-world" don got it done over goes back to olden days that started with slavery which is still continuing.I fail to understand why this never does to an end.Everyone knows about such things........ and well something that i cant comprehend is with the mind set of the "middle class" society of India. The UNICEF report only spoke of children who were most likely to have had been under privileged.But thats not it.....the factor of child abuse does not end there.....its not the monetary status that decides. Lot of examples that i'
d want to quote......
1.Peak summer time in kerala.......Engineering and Medical entrance coaching class in a vacant government school.......timings:morning 7 to evening 4 with half an hour break that itself "sounds" draining.....imagine....the heat of about 40 deg and fans switched off....(sounds like am kidding???? NO)...i had my niece going to that place and half of the student's would end up dozing.Now...the interesting bit.....WHY WERE THE FANS NEVER SWITCHED ON???? well..simple ans...they wanted to cut down the bill...and the fee charged was a big amount with which they could have easily payed the bill!! they dont have the expenses other than the salary of the staff and the rent of the building!! Isnt that inhuman.....outrageous?? and NO parent still complains....why??? CHILDREN R SUPPOSED TO GO THERE AND STUDY.....and not enjoy the fan!!!! (DUH!!!) Its "somehow or the other get into an engineering/medical colg and get a job" attitude thats gripping them.No one raised their voice....and i dont think anyone would ever as well..

2.Another entrance exam coaching ctr in kerala..... All glory to "methodology" of teaching.well......inside that place....i'd call it a hell hole.....a concentration camp......This person divides(guy who runs it) the students in few batches....and the classification being by their 10th board scores. and the toppers batch get the best faculty and....the following get by their respective grades.....(WOW).....ok....then....the "elite" group of people taught by this man get abused...he yells what ever horrible things that comes to his mind...yeah!!!! concession for ur parents as well..even with their names involved!!!!!!!(still maddening rush to get into that place).then the horrible.....if u want to reduce more than half ur weight dont look for any gym or diets...just enroll in this the hostel....u can talk to ur fellow room mates for "10 minutes a day" and 10 students have a warden and share a dormitory.I mean....which sane parent would want that????For all i care i'd have yelled at the owner of this institution and got him beaten up and locked him up in the prison long back....(if i had the power to).Now...thats not the whole point.......why does he do it?? why doesn't anyone react??? why r they still sending kids to that place....(answer in the above pt).

3.Children at freedom of thought....THINK WAT UR TOLD TO!. is the rule of the innovativeness.... no one's creative.I have neighbors,whose kids are in kinder garden.....go for tuitions!!!! Is it an age to go for tuitions??? I really feel terrible thinking about that fellow...gets back from school at 4 and runs to the coaching ctr within half an hour....i mean,some effort from home should save the done about it.

Well....dunno how relevant i might sound....but these r some...rather few things i'd want to change.....i hate the way things go on here....about marks...about it being a question of ego....increasing or infusing unnecessary competitiveness among who could have been friends end up some parents boast about the 99.99's their kids it all necessary....should the whole world know what goes on at ur home???even worse how the "other" parents screw up their kids life because of so many 99.99' doesnt even sound natural to me......i hope things change.....but.....its again a hope against hope....i know of some friends who've already thought of sending their kids to IIT!!!!!!!!(heights of...i donno what to call it!!!!!)......its not a crime to be ambitious.....but not over a line....there r no priorities for any little things in life.....thankfully i never had such a childhood....maybe thats why am reacting...or if u it over-reacting....i hope to find people with similar mindset so that whats going on now doesn't'll end up expectancy might come down to 30/35 in a while!!!!!!!
possibly i want to stop...might continue in another post far too disturbed to go on....

1 comment:

A Random Traveler said...

Yeah. It was so uncomfortable when people did that to kids. It happened to me when i was one. I hated school for that reason. The prejudice. The false methodologies. Newtons laws were not taught as passionate discoveries. They were mere 3 mark questions! Horrible.!

Change, change what? Change everything? Is it even possible? I have a million things i want to change. I think becomin batman is the only way to go..:)