Sunday, July 1, 2007

woooh!!!! my BEAUtiful sunday!

RAINSS!!!!!!!......yeah....looooong awaited rains....but now that it's set off...and yeah....i mean....SET OFF!!!! can it not rain anymore....okie...if not anymore...for like just 2 days!phew....staying at home for 5 whole days...u know...knowing nothing than the periphery of my house...that would'nt even include the exterior gates,a walk through the streets of kalpathy can mean a lot.
Doing that had always been a routine....a nice bath to fresh up....pray and Yes! hit the road! ;)...ahem...i mean....walk on the road.... :D...but yeah....monsoon has deprived me of that privilage as well!!! i'd been a basic necessity and now i felt all locked up in prison!!!!!!
T.V,computer....(precisely orkut and coolgoose)and few books...
Coming to tv.......almost everything i'd like watching are air-head shows......unless am in the state of mind where-in am all info grabing!!!but...yeah otherwise....its let's go...mtv 10....interviews....and....yes...obviously movies....but it can get so totally monotonous....then's orkut,i'd positively want to say its boring! i mean....none of my friends who i'd want to catch up come...and whoever come r those who'r like me...nothing to do....leave a scrap....u know what the expected reply is...and yet!! ah!! the saga i've lost the charm on it that was once EVER GLOWING!!!
OK...and my last life saver.....novels...i did read quiet some good ones these holidays...but yeah....I HAVE READ !!! so that makes it past-tense! i dont have anything that can stick me onto it!!!!!unless i wanna read some of them again....(nice thought...under serious considerations) today...rather this evening i thought....NO i cant be stuck at home! i need to get least to the its not "atleast" it is TO THE TEMPLE!....i need to pray for a divine intervention! i needed some gimmicks done by HIM! i need to perform my share of coaxing ;)...
so.....i got out.....something made me not wear my slippers today....i normally dont do that...considering the fact that its rough outside....and my "well cared" delicate feet [;) ] might get i've never gone bare foot....but i guess the rain and the little pools of water that's there on roads made me consider and yes! am proud of my intuitions!!!! it was brilliant.....the slippery roads....the little pools of water,the drizzle and the absolutely gray sky got the romantic out of me! :D
went to the temple....felt wonderful...felt long that i've been to one...(actually yes)....something nice.then...i started walking.....beautiful winds,the clouds above getting darker by the minute....woah....there i go!I could not help but keep smile....i felt so happy....i guess i havent felt this happy in...lets say...for about 20 days!!!(yeah last 20 days back i was frighteningly happy)....but today was special....something like meeting a long lost friend.i loved every second of it......i kept having that idiotic grin on my face and am pretty sure that i noticed few ppl looking at my stupidity...i mean...who wouldnt!!!! its raining cats and dogs....ppl r shutting the doors and windows cursing the sky! and there goes someone who's grinning...must be nuts ;)
i ended up smiling in the temple!!(wierder)
Further down the road the winds became more fierce,heavy downpour.....oh yeah! my thirst was sure quenched!! and yea....i was frighteningly happy again!!!i thought i might end up hysterical....but thankfully i didnt!
....i guess He did hear! atleast made me smile for like 30 mins and feel good about it for LONG!!!!
ah.....what more can i ask!!!

1 comment:

Deepa, Rakesh & Rishi said...

Kavitha: Why don't you sing "Rain Rain go away ..."

Just kidding...

For other rain-day activities: how about watching wimbledon OR following Kamal anna's passion of soccer (there are quite a few tournaments going on now) OR try getting a few good snaps (of the rain) with your digital camera...