Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Mush for a brain

 I'm a creature of the past, I dwell, thrive and find joy in the past. I firmly believe that everything that was around 100 years ago had more meaning, had more joy and  people cherished what they had far more. No one had heard of instant gratification.

Instant Gratification - Maybe the main reason for the onset of man's downward spiral. Nothing is cherished anymore - a rose is never pressed in the many folds of the book and revisited to live through all memories it presented. Most importantly, romance - which is of paramount importance in my order of priorities is close to being dead. Charlotte Bronte and Thomas Hardy who I worship might laugh at me if I were to meet them now and say that romance does not exist any ; no one has time to watch the brook laugh at each turn ; there's no time to be lost in the depths of the rose's red ; there's no time to lay down on fresh grass and read about that first kiss that Elfride and Stephen had, something that she wasn't prepared for but changed her world forever. I know that when I first read A Pair of Blue Eyes, still so vivid in my memory - I was there right beside Elfride, right as she journeyed through life and when she found her way back. 

While I'm at it, that was me 3 years ago, just to prove that you can be 33 and stupid for saying things like - Romance which is of paramount importance in my order of priorities. Save me from hell's fury for writing, rather propagating stupidity. The current font symbolizes my mind - functional, no beauty involved but makes sense...? One other thing, I dont think i have an identity anymore, as in what are my interests? What is my opinion? Is it all that instagram feeds me? Impossible to believe that I (in my memory) had a vivid and thriving and inquisitive brain. What I now have is mush.

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