Monday, September 15, 2008


I do not know why i've been stuck to this word "exceptional" right from early this morning; and am puzzled why! Living the past one week in quite the same way everyday, i yearned for an exception, a probable reason that i convinced myself with. Or, yet another word that came in for a particular reason/otherwise that i need'nt pay the centre of my attention,but i am. Or, there is seriously something in store for me. Which ever way i'd look, iam getting an answer, and an answer that i'am satisfied with. Sometimes, our brain does the weirdest possible things.Like right now, i'am not giving it "thinking-space" also!!......Once a friend of mine told me..."sometimes when we begin writing there is no our brain has branches and the finger can think" I never thought about such an idea or explanation, but well, even i have experienced this and i'am sure lot of you have as well. How does this actually happen? It feels like talking through fingers. Like the river just flows....

Today, another thing that my brain made me crave for was the color golden and brown. I saw the color of a wall with that combination in a movie I was watching and the actors doing the brain's gripped to that one. I felt like touching and feeling the gueey paint. I wanted to fill my senses with the rich gold and the soft blending brown. I dont know how many times have we come across and realised such yearnings. When we dont really do stays right there, and keeps us wondering ..."what do i really want". Maybe it's not a possible or lets say attainable want, but the very realisation of it fills up. Or i know it filled me up. I've read somewhere, "Infinity lies inside the mind". And my remark to that one line is....."Nothing is as true as that". I imagined doing the paint, i imagined smell, i imagined its flow. I felt happy. Do i sound a little off the track? And if yes is the answer, maybe you should just pause and think what just made you yearn. I'am pretty sure that you will come up with a creative satisfaction. The heart, that houses our emotions, that holds on the relationships we make, that cries on a loss, that has so much more than what we really know. It also has a small cottage for us. Our private entry. The universe we have made. The room thats open only for us. Where have stacked those desires and sins.Small bit of happiness is all it takes for the wild flowers to grow in that room. I just discovered my bit of space, and i love the way its built...

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Its the day before Onam, Uthradam..... and for the first time after we settled down here in Kerala, we have enough flowers from the garden to make the "pookalam". I say this with pride because "buying" flowers for onam is what's been happening over the years and YEYY!! we didnt!!
Somehow there was a greater deal of satisfaction today. I've always heard my mother tell me,the Onam of her childhood days. How she and her siblings would wake up at crack of dawn and go around for gathering flowers, and this time i was lucky to have experienced that joy! I did the task of gathering and putting them as well!! What one might observe is the magnificent designs that people put. It is indeed magnificent, even i enjoy looking at them. But offlate its just those four colours of yellow,orange,purple and pink. Every house has just them. And i didnt find a fault with that until today :). My "pookalam" has sandal,has cream, has red and yellow!!!
An innocent joy.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I took this picture from Pazhani. I do not know how many of us might have seen this color of sky! Orange, yello, gold,silvers,gray,blue,black...but THIS red??? It seriously surprised me. Long ago when i was a kid i'd seen a cartoon wherein Sun had little angels whose job was to paint the sky during dawn and dusk. And i believe it. Comeon, it gives a sensible explanation, they look like everyday painters!! hehehehe....and looks like that day they took excess red!!! Am baffeled looking at the picture!