Saturday, May 26, 2007

what i can just think ryt now..... :)

hey!!! my first ever post... :)....happy...happy that i finally thought of creating one....Inspiration....A major blogger with lots of nice posts...(identity...hidden).so...thanks a lot Mr. XYZ.... :) what do i say? dunno....
all of i can think of at the moment is what and all I've written so far but never (obviously) shared in blog spot. my....habitual writing "happened" and i always kept them hidden in my diary.not that it was personal,but they were just feelings....starting from how bad i felt for scoring bad in a math exam to how i made a BIG DECISION of doing my specified area in my UG i missed my friends in school, how i thought I'll never find friends, how i thought (being living abroad for a major part of my life) that Indian kids can never be funny and light headed about 3 yrs of living... with the true Indian spirit i say.... I WAS HOPELESSLY WRONG!!!...not only did i get umpteen number of friends....but friends who i got for life...who right now have become a part of myself. again in another year its gonna be the cycle,what happened way back in MATURED in thoughts...i know i will go on. i know it will be the same for a while until i get accustomed to the new surroundings. but i also know which i didn't then ,that....I'll have beside me the best of people around who have been with me so far.
I've loved school but not when i was in school...and now I've started loving my college...with just one yr has given me so much. some lessons that i can never forget, lessons of losing an unknown batch mate,yet crying and praying for his soul. i coudnt fathom a fate for a person of my age my locality my college!.... my college taught what its to have fun....what its to pull legs! and...(get pulled in return)...what "treats" are for any little silly thing. oh! i love it all!and i dont regret one bit of joining "this" get confused.... This is in quotes cuz...thats the way my college is....the great AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM. where there is always a notion that freedom is forever curbed. freedom can never be curbed in a society like that of today. i found my own happiness there.... i broke the laws that was never noticed(lucky me)....
ok...ok...i'm deviating....btw....wat was i trying to say!??!@#$?? going...its a disaster...
might meet again.... :)


The iceman said...

well the first post ever gets the first ever comment..and from Mr. XYZ. Mr. XYZ would like to reciprocate the gudwill by adding this blog to his blogroll.
A job well begun..dont let the ink dry up. ATB

theNadenker said...

I agree with the iceman....job well begun.....the ink should not dry blogspot did......and it had to be replenished on wordpress.....

The Retardo Man said...

You said so much 'bout college life in just 10 lines....Now THAT was somethin' worth readin'....Keep it comin'...You're good...

A Random Traveler said...


I enjoy reading the first post of serious bloggers. It is always something, you know!

There is this paint of innocence, that they tell as to why they start. Some for fun, some to talk to the world, some out of loneliness, some out of professional on on on..

If you have been writing dairies then of course, blogging is an expected accident. :)

Keep flowing them, the spontaneous outbreaks..